Why Superfluous Verbosity?

Why Superfluous Verbosity?

Many years ago I had a blog with the same name. I was focused on writing other things though, things that made money, so my original blog was neglected and I didn’t have a lot of time to post on it. So, I let the domain expire.

I always regretted letting that domain name go, though. I don’t know why, I just love the way these two words flow together – superfluous verbosity. I guess they are kind of fitting for who I am. An ADHD woman with a love of words. Sometimes my words don’t. have a lot of meaning and I always have a lot to say!k

But, I don’t always follow a train of thought really well. Because of that, I’ve never been what one would call successful in the blogging sphere. I’ve had a couple blogs that made money. A lot that have not. And most of my blogs have been deserted because I got bored.

Now, in my fifties, I don’t really care about making money. Well, it would be nice if someone was so interested in what I had to say that they wanted to pay for it or that they wanted to come back again and again. But it just doesn’t matter to me anymore.

Superfluous Verbosity is a blog for me to create a space where I can write what I want, say what I want, be myself – and not have to worry about niches or marketing or ad placement. Will there ever be ads? Maybe. I don’t know. For now, no. Because this isn’t about the money.

It’s also a place where I can put all my old articles that don’t have homes. You’ll see one of the categories is Old Medium Posts. I’m not paying to make money anymore. I’m over that. So, I’m pulling all my Medium content off their platform and I’m putting it here. It’s all over the place. If you want to read it, you’ll likely find something interesting. I’ll try to add some tags to make it easier to find stuff.

Here’s the thing. Sometimes I want to write about my ADHD. Sometimes I want to write about writing. And other times I want to write about the challenges of being a menopausal Gen-X woman with ADHD who is widowed and in a new relationship, has a dog, grown children, and grandchildren; but still wants to travel the world, live in a van, get high on gummies and have a couple drinks while laughing her ass off on the beach with one of her besties. And maybe wants to write a novel still. Maybe.

So, that’s Superfluous Verbosity.

If you know me in real life and you’re reading – well, don’t judge. If you’re just curious, buckle up and join me on a ride through my past and into a future that is yet to be determined!


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