It's 4:30 am and I can't sleep because I might have found my writing mojo again. I've been thinking about finding my joy in writing and how to get motivated/inspired…
ADHD Boredom Bores Me!

ADHD Boredom Bores Me!

Do you ever get so unbearably bored with you life that you just don't know what to do with it? Maybe you should move to a new country or start…
Sitting In My Car

Sitting In My Car

One of my favorite things to do is sit in my car and scroll on my phone before work. Sometimes after work. Actually it doesn't have to be before or…
Why Superfluous Verbosity?

Why Superfluous Verbosity?

Many years ago I had a blog with the same name. I was focused on writing other things though, things that made money, so my original blog was neglected and…
Chew The Bones

Chew The Bones

Looking at the people that mingle around Nana’s home, speaking in hushed tones, I can think of nothing but my Bompy’s voice saying, “Don’t forget to chew the bones in…