The Practice Of Not Giving Two Hoots

The Practice Of Not Giving Two Hoots

Have you ever said, “I don’t care what people think?” Most of us have. But do you mean it? Or do you hold back from saying things because you know that others would not approve. Or do you bend the truth a little to make it a little easier for people to handle? Or do you omit parts of a story because you know that someone will start telling people about your story and make it sound shocking?

I think we all do those things. And not giving two hoots about what others think does not mean you have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth every single time. It does mean you speak your truth.

What does that even mean?

Here’s where I draw the line: If it is about me, I will speak the truth under most circumstances. I will omit details when I know that it will make someone uncomfortable to be around me. If an experience I’m sharing with someone involves part of my lifestyle that I know will make them feel weird knowing those things about me, I won’t share that part of the story. There’s no reason that everyone needs to know everything about my life.

However, I’m not ashamed of the parts of my lifestyle that others are not comfortable knowing. I don’t purposefully hide my lifestyle. There are many people that are perfectly aware of it. And I have revealed it because I know they won’t be uncomfortable knowing about it. They may approve or disapprove — I’m fine either way. But it doesn’t get in the way of our relationship.

Image source: Pixabay

I don’t give two hoots what people think of my chosen lifestyle. However, I don’t feel that I need to make anyone feel that I overshare or that they don’t want to be around me because of what I share.

It’s a balancing act. The practice of not giving two hoots about what people think is not about telling everyone everything about your life. It’s about not being ashamed of your choices and owning them and then choosing when to share and when not to share.

The practice of not giving two hoots is about knowing who you are and being confident enough to share that — when the time is right. And knowing when the time is not right.


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